We are sad to announce that I will be closing my medical practice on July 1st, 2023. Sutter cancelled my EPIC electronic medical record contract combined with pressure from the state of California limiting physician's ability to speak freely means I will have great difficulty continuing delivering safe and effective medical care in an efficient manner.
My staff and I have fought hard against this pervasive cancel culture and worked extremely hard in the past years to keep our practice open and have served thousands of patients in our community and nation.
I do not have recommendations for other primary care physicians because we are all affected by the same California state and medical board's "gag orders" such as assembly bill AB2098 and senate bill SB806. You can click on the links to these bills for more information.
Please arrange appointment with your new primary care provider to continue your care. Those of you with pending diagnostic imaginings, labs or appointments after July 1st should carry on with the plan and follow up with your new primary care physicians to review results and workup.
Your health record is stored in the EPIC electronic medical record system and you can access it directly or sign up to review your record through https://www.sutterhealth.org/myhealthonline
Please contact huangmdoffice@gmail.com if you have other questions and allow 7 days for processing.
Take charge of your health and we sincerely wish you and your family well.